Applications must be completed & emailed through to and approved by the landlord, prior to any inspections.
Alternatively, please feel free to contact the office directly on (02) 6766 6122 or Vo on 0436 666 123 with any enquiries or to discuss your requirements further.
TOP 10 REASONS TO RENT ME. 1. 2 bedrooms both with built in robes & ceiling fans 2. Split system heating & cooling 3. Bathroom with shower & toilet 4. Open plan tiled living 5. Kitchen has Gas cooktop, Electric oven (natural gas) 6. Single pantry 7. Laundry located at rear of garage 8. Enclosed rear yard 9. Single remote lock up garage 10. Close to schools, hospitals, shops & medical center
Disclaimer: We have not verified whether that the information in this advertisement is accurate or not, and we do not have any belief one way or the other of its accuracy. We encourage all interested parties to do their own due diligent investigations.
## Please note the images shown in this presentation are file images, and are not current, we can offer real time Facetime inspections if requested##