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Call First National Real Estate Tamworth on (02) 67666122
Your small acreage lifestyle dreams have come true with this exciting 3-bedroom family home located on the Back Kootingal Road.
With a high set elevated outlook that captures the stunning changing surrounding views, this home delivers on the vibe of space, room to move, play and grow.
Enjoy entertaining on the large verandah and the covered rear pergola. The shedding offers multi-use options and is lined with power.
Small acreage close to Tamworth and Kootingal often sought and seldom found.
Features: -Own bore with electric pump plus 3 x 5,000 gallon rainwater tanks (no town water). -Acreage has a lovely grassed house paddock plus 2 other paddocks. -3 Bedrooms all with robes. -2 Way bathroom room. -Laundry is located in the shedding. -Open plan living with views from all windows. -Wood heater with 2 x wall mounted reverse cycle air conditioning split system (heat & cool). -Kitchen has gas cook tops with dishwasher. -Solar panels for the lowest possible power bills. -Single carport, 2 bay shedding - single garage.
Council rates are approx. $1,500 per year. There are no Council water rates applicable to this property.
Contact: David Doherty 0417-288 545 Principal Margo Taggart 0427-167 282 Principal Cheryl Scott 0429-585 520 Agent First National Real Estate Tamworth (02) 67666122
Disclaimer: We have not verified whether or not that the information in this advertisement is accurate and we do not have any belief one way or the other of its accuracy. All purchasers must rely completely upon their own inquiries before purchasing.
Kamilaroi Country - First National Real Estate Tamworth proudly acknowledges the Kamilaroi people as the Traditional Custodians of the land we live & work, and their continued connection to land, water and culture. We offer our respects to Elders past, present.
First National Real Estate Tamworth is Tamworth furnished accommodation; strata management agents in Tamworth; residential sales in Tamworth; property management agents in Tamworth; rural sales agents in Tamworth; and licensed auctioneers.
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